“When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.”

Marie F. Mongan

Curious what a HypnoBirthing® birth looks like? I was fortunate enough to have the home birth of my 3rd child captured by local birth photographer Alaina Nunez. This short film shows just how calm, peaceful, and manageable this natural childbirth method can be.

Maximizing the HypnoBirthing® Method

I recommended that couples do not just self-educate, but take live classes together when they are between 20 - 34 weeks pregnant.

HypnoBirthing® is an amazing 5 week series that is best learned with dynamic instruction. In Southern California, the cost for most HypnoBirthing® offerings is around $400 or more. I am expecting my 4th child this year and in need of working from home which has cut some of my office costs, a savings I am happy to pass along to you! Therefore, for a limited time, my price for my virtual classes is now only $349 and includes:

  • The same 12.5 hours of live instruction conducted via Zoom

  • A paperback copy of HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method 4th Edition

  • Hypnotherapy relaxation downloads

  • HypnoBirthing® Parent Handout Booklet

  • Positive Birth Affirmation Cards Download

  • and my personal favorite, a generous percentage off In-Person or Virtual Consultations!

Why Choose HypnoBirthing®?

1. Reduced Fear and Anxiety: HypnoBirthing teaches techniques to release fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth, allowing expectant parents to approach birth with confidence and calmness. By addressing fear at its core, participants can experience a more relaxed and positive birthing experience.

2. Increased Comfort During Labor: The deep relaxation techniques learned in HypnoBirthing help birthing individuals manage sensations of discomfort during labor more effectively. By entering a state of relaxation, muscles can work as they are designed to, facilitating a smoother and more comfortable birthing process.

3. Shorter Labor Duration: Studies have shown that participants in HypnoBirthing classes often experience shorter labor durations compared to those who do not use relaxation techniques. The combination of relaxation, visualization, and breathing exercises can lead to more efficient contractions and a shorter overall labor time.

4. Fewer Interventions: HypnoBirthing empowers birthing individuals to trust in their bodies' natural ability to birth without the need for medical interventions. By promoting relaxation and reducing fear, participants are less likely to require interventions such as epidurals, inductions, or cesarean sections.

5. Increased Bonding with Baby: The calm and gentle birthing environment created through HypnoBirthing fosters a deeper connection between parents and their newborn. By birthing in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, parents can bond with their baby more easily, promoting a positive start to their relationship.

6. Partner Involvement and Support: HypnoBirthing encourages active participation from birth partners, providing them with tools and techniques to support the birthing individual during labor and birth. Partners play a crucial role in creating a nurturing birthing environment and can feel empowered to advocate for the birthing person's preferences and needs.

7. Empowerment and Confidence: One of the key benefits of HypnoBirthing is the sense of empowerment and confidence it instills in expectant parents. By learning to trust in their bodies and the birthing process, participants feel empowered to make informed decisions and take an active role in their birthing experience.

8. Positive Birth Memories: HypnoBirthing aims to create positive and empowering birth memories that last a lifetime. By birthing in a calm and supportive environment, participants can look back on their birthing experience with joy, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment.

Experience the Benefits of HypnoBirthing Embark on a journey towards a calm, gentle, and empowering birth experience with HypnoBirthing. Contact us to learn more about our classes and start your journey today!